Modifying this email as a working progress towards v2 scope:

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Henri Yandell wrote:

> I'm going to assume that all and any bugfixes which have gone in since the
> v1.0.1 release on existing classes will goto 2.0. Also that we will take
> another swing at the Bugzilla list before a 2.0 release, including the
> nested stack-trace order question.
> I'm going to assume that we'll be moving to 2.0 next and not to a 1.1.

Lang 2.0 scope:

> math
>   Fraction. Various ranges. Bugfix in NumberRange.

> util
>   BitField: Mature class used in POI. Need to confer with POI on this.
>   Validate: It tests boolean possibilities and throws
>             IllegalArgumentExceptions if they are false.

>   Identifiers: Been around for a while. Dependent on <functor>. Used to
>     create ID's.
> functor
>   Well debated. I think we can safely accept that these will not be going.
>   For the record, functors are common method signature patterns.

Identifiers are dependant on functor, so their future is tied.
Functors have become tied to Lang's future/politics.

Not in scope:


Still in discussion [that I know of]:

The order of stack-traces in ExceptionUtils.
New trim method variants in StringUtils.
New methods in ExceptionUtils.



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