
Apologies, I've missed this thread as I've been on vacation for the last
week. Here's the patch as an attchment. Hopefully this should do the trick.

Best regards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel F. Savarese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 August 2003 18:43
> To: 'Jakarta Commons Developers List'
> Subject: Re: [net][patch] jdk 1.4 specific call in
> VMSFTPEntryParser.java
> In message 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Daniel F. Savar
> ese" writes:
> >In message 
> >R
> >ory Winston" writes:
> >>I've cleaned up a bit (applied my changes to a fresh 
> checkout) and generated
> >>a diff file. I've taken out the XHDR addition for now, as 
> XOVER seems to be
> >>the preferred mechanism for this kind of thing. The 
> functionality added is:
> >
> >This is great, but I'm having trouble applying the patch because of
> >formatting issues (I believe lines longer than around 79 columns were
> >split in two with newlines by your email client).  Could you resubmit
> >the patch as an attachment of some sort that will preserve the patch
> >intact?
> My email reception got knocked offline for a couple of days 
> so I may have
> missed some mail.  Was a new patch ever submitted?  I can't 
> find one in
> the archives.  I'd like to get the patch applied before 
> voting on a release,
> but if it doesn't make it in before then it's not the end of 
> the world.
> daniel
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