rdonkin     2003/09/28 02:40:51

  Added:       digester/src/examples/api build.properties.sample build.xml
  Added build for the examples. Submitted by Simon Kitching.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  Index: build.properties.sample
  # Example build properties
  # Copy this to build.properties and then edit the properties to 
  # provide local references.
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/digester/src/examples/api/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  API Examples Script
  Provides helpful services to get folks up and running
  the examples quickly.
  * Compile - compiles all the examples to the directories
  in which the their source files reside.
  * Run - runs each example in turn. 
  These examples will only build and run if the 
  rights jars are in the classpath. The classpath
  can be set by copying the build.properties.sample file
  in this directory to build.properties and then setting
  the properties appropriately. Or by editing the 
  build.properties file (based on the build.properties.sample
  file in CVS) so that it contains absolute paths.
  build.xml files are provided in each subdirectory. This
  provide similar fuctionality for each example individually.
  The examples are graduated. It is best to look at them 
  in order. Please consult the documentation for more details.
  <project name="Examples" default="about" basedir=".">
    <target name='about'>
  API Examples Script
  Provides helpful services to get folks up and running
  the examples quickly.
  * Compile - compiles all the examples to the directories
  in which the their source files reside.
  * Run - runs each example in turn. 
  These examples will only build and run if the 
  rights jars are in the classpath. The classpath
  can be set by copying the build.properties.sample file
  in this directory to build.properties and then setting
  the properties appropriately. Or by editing the 
  build.properties file (based on the build.properties.sample
  file in CVS) so that it contains absolute paths.
  build.xml files are provided in each subdirectory. This
  provide similar fuctionality for each example individually.
  The examples are graduated. It is best to look at them 
  in order. Please consult the documentation for more details.
    <target name="compile">
      <ant dir="addressbook" target="compile"/>
      <ant dir="catalog" target="compile"/>
    <target name="run" depends="compile">
      <ant dir="addressbook" target="compile"/>
      <ant dir="catalog" target="compile"/>
    <target name="clean">
      <ant dir="addressbook" target="clean"/>
      <ant dir="catalog" target="clean"/>

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