I can try this tomorrow, and look at the other patches as well.

In the future, the thing to do in the future is to attach the file to a Bugzilla ticket as an enhancement request. It's also helpful to include the license <http://apache.org/LICENSE> so that your intentions are crystal clear and so that your contribution is as ready to commit as you can possibly make it. If you don't have a Contributor's License Agreement on file with the ASF,


you should do that, and let us know.


Sgarlata Matt wrote:

Hmm, looks like the list doesn't like .java. Trying to attach as .zip...
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sgarlata Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta Commons Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:28 PM
Subject: [Chain] ChainServlet first draft

Attached is a first cut at creating a ChainServlet. Committers, please


free to add this to CVS (you'll need to add the license, version #s, and
change the package declaration), to modify it, or to tell me what to do to
modify it (and I will do so).

Craig, you mentioned something about merging or inheriting catalog
definitions earlier.  I think this is a property that automatically


from how you set up the ConfigRuleSet. I take advantage of this behavior


the ChainServlet.  The ChainServlet reads an XML file and stores a Catalog
in a servlet context attribute.  If there is already a catalog there, the
two catalogs are merged.  If the two catalogs have commands with the same
name, the command from the new catalog takes the place of the command that
was in the old catalog.

One note that is not in the javadoc is that you can set up multiple chain
servlets if you have multiple catalogs.  Perhaps this would be better in


package documentation for whatever package the ChainServlet ends up in?

Finally, some code was copied from ConfigParser, so I put Craig in the
@author list.


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