I recently download the math commons subproject and would like to help 

  This is my first open source contribution effort and am looking forward 
to extending to other projects.   I have a background in Mathematics (MS 
and thesis work in Stochastic Analysis) and for the past several years 
worked as a project lead for a Java Company.

   (1) What is the best way to contribute?   (submit patches to this 
mailing list or through the bug tracking system?)   Also,  will the bug 
tracking a new "Math" component to the Commons project?

   (2) What should I be working on?  (what do we need to do to get it to a 
1.0 release?)   I would be more comfortable doing some 'maintenance' type 
work intially,  downstream I can offer more substantitve math  (I had done 
a bunch of work with DASSL and DASPK and their applications to Stochastic 
differential equations).

   (3) Will there be a link on the 
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/index.html page to the Math Compont page?

   (4) I added a quick type-o patch for the tasks.xml doc to see if it is 
the proper format.  (this is a cvs diff output)

  looking forward to helping out.

      Matt Cliff            
      Cliff Consulting
      720.280.6324 (c)

      The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.
Index: xdocs/tasks.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/tasks.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 tasks.xml
--- xdocs/tasks.xml     1 Nov 2003 16:35:03 -0000       1.2
+++ xdocs/tasks.xml     5 Nov 2003 14:59:26 -0000
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
           <dd>Clover tests show gaps in test path coverage. Get all tests to 100% 
coverage.  Also improve test data and boundary conditions coverage.</dd>
           <dt>Code review.</dt>
-            <p>Code review is a continuous rpocess that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base.</p>
+            <p>Code review is a continuous process that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base.</p>
               <li>Javadoc generation is still throwing warnings.  Bring the Javadoc 
into compliance (i.e. reach zero warnings).</li>
               <li>Verify that the code matches the documentation and identify obvious 
inefficiencies or numerical problems.  All feedback/suggestions for 
improvement/patches are welcome.</li>
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