I'm interested in contributing with Email because I began to write a service on a project I'm working on that would benefit mutch of it's features. What I really need to know is if there is someone to add fixes and make changes to this project while the community (including myself) contributes with it.

So, anyone here knows who is the commiter/in charge of commons-email?

Thanks in advance,
Ramiro Pereira de Magalhães

Samuel Le Berrigaud wrote:

I really look forward the first release of commons email too...

Can someone give another date for the first release ? Are there any
bugs open that prevent from releasing this component ?

I think I could try to get some time to contribute if there is a need...

On 6/13/05, Eric Spiegelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been casually following commons email on this list for the past few
months and it's been pretty low traffic. If I remember correctly,
someone mentioned that a release would be put out at the end of May, but
it never happened. I've submitted two trivial patches for email a few
weeks ago and I hope that they would be committed before a release -
whenever it is.

Ramiro Pereira de Magalhaes wrote:

Hello folks!

I just checked out the email project from the SVN repository
commons-email) and noticed that it's last commit has a timestamp from
march! Is it right? The last change on this project was from 3 month
ago? Also it seems that the last message sent to this mailing list was
from this year's 28 january. Is someone maintaining this project? What
needs to be done right now? Is the commons-email bug list abandonned?

Looking forward to help,
Ramiro Pereira de Magalhães

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