On Sat, 2006-12-30 at 02:27 +0100, Dennis Lundberg wrote:
> Hi all
> I've spent some time going over the pom.xml file and using Maven 2 to 
> build all the jars. These jars were then compared to the ones created 
> with the ant build. Here's a rundown on the differences I found:
> 1. The M2 jars is missing parts of the manifest.
> As you might have seen in the commits I have now added the missing 
> manifest parts to the jars.

Yep, thanks!

> 2. The manifests have a couple of other lines that are different. Where 
> ant has:
> Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
> Created-By: 1.4.2_13-b06 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
> M2 has:
> Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
> Created-By: Apache Maven
> Built-By: dlg01
> Build-Jdk: 1.4.2_13
> This has to do with what program is used to create the jar, and doesn't 
> seem that important.


> 3. The class files in the test jars are different.
> It turned out that the ant build does not set source.version and 
> target.version when compiling the test classes. After adding that to the 
> ant build, the class files are equal.
> Should I commit my patched build.xml file?


> 4. The M2 jars has the files pom.properties and pom.xml in the 
> /META_INF/maven/commons-logging/commons-logging/ directory.
> To summarize: I feel confident that the jars produced by Maven 2 are 
> equivalent to the ones produced by Ant. So Maven 2 could be used to 
> produce the jars for the next release of commons-logging.

That's great. 

> Still to check:
> A. The site. To enable the M2 site build all it takes is a 
> src/site/site.xml file and to bump the version of commons-parent to 
> 2-SNAPSHOT. I have these changes made locally. Commons-skin is not 
> perfect yet, but it's getting there. It shouldn't be that long. I'm 
> still trying to solve Phil's rendering problem.
> Should I commit the site.xml file?

Yes please. I guess this would mean that a logging release is now
blocked on a commons-parent 2.0 release, but that seems ok to me. At
least now we can switch to maven2 for nightlies and get the user
community testing what is pretty close to a release candidate..

> B. Distributions. As far as I can see we need to have source and binary 
> distros as well. I'll have a look at producing these with M2 as well.

That would be cool. Having a -src jarfile for the next JCL release would
be great.



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