On 5/23/07, Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would normally consider a minor point release to be essential bug fix only 
(in the numbering system we've been using).

OK I won't port to the 1.3 branch.

Perhaps, rather than trying to release 1.3.2, we should release [io] v1.4 
(still JDK1.3 compatible).

I'll leave that up to the RM.



----- Original Message ----
From: Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 22 May, 2007 8:51:10 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] 2nd attempt: Release commons-io 1.3.2

I committed a small patch to the trunk today (IO-121) - since this
release seems delayed is there any objections to me porting this to
the 1.3 branch so it makes the 1.3.2 release?


The change is v.small - just adding a new "resetByteCount()" method to
ThresholdingOutputStream that has 2 lines in it.


On 5/17/07, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have fixed the issues with the file permissions and added license
> headers to most of the files, with the only exception of MANIFEST.MF.
> Now, I'd like to call for another vote on the release of commons-io 1.3.2. The
> proposed distributables can be found at
>    http://people.apache.org/~jochen/commons-io/dist
> A KEYS file is included. The proposed site is at
>    http://people.apache.org/~jochen/commons-io/site
> Thanks,
> Jochen
> [ ] +1
> [ ] =0
> [ ] -1
> --
> My cats know that I am a loser who goes out for hunting every day
> without ever returning as much as a single mouse. Fortunately, I've
> got a wife who's a real champ: She leaves the house and returns within
> half an hour, carrying whole bags full of meal.
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