Hi Tom,

I get the same error page from Netscape, are you going through a proxy in IE?


-----Original Message-----
From: tom yin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 3:37 PM
Subject: url is Re: How to accept cookies in HttpClient.

I've forgotten to tell you guys the url, which is:
I can reach the login page by accessing this url in IE, but can not by httpClient. If 
any comments, I will
appreciate it. 

tom yin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, All,

I got a problem when I try to go to a login page of a website. My code is like this:
GetMethod defaultpage = new GetMethod(link);
It's very simple, but I can not go to the login page expected, but redirected to an 
error page, which has the
following information:

You've received this message for one of the following reasons: 
The Enter the Site page is bookmarked or added to your favorites. If so, please delete 
that bookmark. You can
bookmark the Welcome page instead. 

Your browser doesn't support cookies, or you've set your browser to not accept 
cookies. Please use one of the
recommended browsers or set your browser preferences to accept cookies. Contact your 
browser developer (for
example, Microsoft or Netscape) if you need help setting your browser preferences. 

Is this a cookies problem? If I reach the website by IE, no problem happens. Please 
help. Thanks.

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