1) What is the status of the VFS project?
We are close before a 1.0 release.
Is it still actively being developed?
Currently I am the only active committer, but there is a active user base and some contributors.
Is it planned to be a key part of any important Apache projects?
Not that I am aware of. From our internal logs (those which other projects fail if I made a mistake) I can see its used in cocoon, excalibur, forrest and log4j-chainsaw (log viewer), though I know of some other people who use vfs
as part of their productive system.
2) When is a formal release planned?
see above
At the moment is the only way to get the software via the nightly builds?
Yes - and svn head.
The SVN repository (http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/) seems to say that the 
Commons project
is closing - is this true, or has the SVN repository moved somewhere else?
You must dive into jakarta/commons not the top level commons.
3) Are there any GUI apps (e.g. file system browsers) that interact with
VFS resources?
4) How does VFS deal with file permissions?
VFS do not deal with file permissions, its up to the used library and in fact at last by the operating system if a system is read-/writeable.
VFS do not have a api to change/set file permissions.
5) Is asynchronous I/O supported?  I.e. can I send a message to write data
to a file and provide a callback for when the data are written?
Currently not, but might be a great addition.

Do not hesitate to ask further questions.


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