Hi hrjk,
> These properties are set for HttpURLConnection
> with following style:
> connection.setRequestProperty( "Authorization", "...");
> connection.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", "...");
Ok, but the reason I asked is, that the *FileSytemOptionsBuilder stuff
is type safe and shows you EXACTLY which options are available. There is
nothing such general to set key/value pairs, so we have to write stuff like:


The reason for this is, that I want to know at compile time if I did
anything right, and that IDEs help in coding.
For the cases were we have to process a configuration file or stuff from
ANT we use the DelegatingFileSystemOptionsBuilder which takes key/value
pairs and use reflection to convert the value to the appropriate type.
> By the way, I can't seem to access any builds in
> http://people.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/nightly/commons-vfs/.
Yea, unhappily our nightly build system is out of order currently.
Hopefully it will work again soon. For now, you have to build it
yourself from svn - not that hard.


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