Thanks for the response. I'll check it out and see what's going on.


robert burrell donkin wrote:

On 29 Nov 2004, at 18:05, Matt Goodwin wrote:

I have successfully been able to set a custom object string converter for a date format I have in java code using the BeanReader.getBindingConfiguration method (thank you for the documentation). However, I would like to be able to set this in the .betwixt file. I have the following snippet for .betwixt file
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<element name='ActivitySummary'>
<element name='CommissionsYTD' property='commissionsYTD'/>
<element name='LastCommissionAmt' property='lastCommissionAmt'/>
<element name='LastCommissionDate' property='lastCommissionDate'>
<element name='PremiumYTD' property='premiumYTD'/>

What am I missing. I still get a org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException. What is the proper way to specify my custom
converter in the .betwixt file.

unfortunately, i have a feeling that you are missing some code in betwixt to do just that (but i could be wrong, i don't have time right now to check...)

i'm already late for the start of a night out so sadly i doubt i'll be able to create some code that does what you want tonight. i do think that this should be reasonable easy to add so the quickest way to get what you want would be to install maven (, download the latest code from CVS and start hacking!

if you're feeling generous then please contribute it back (i think that this list bounces attachments so you might need to open a bugzilla). otherwise, i'll try to find some time but realistically it will be a few days...

- robert

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