  I'm using the Commons Digester, specifically, to read data from XML  files in 
order to create objects and I later use Betwixt to write  objects out to XML.  
I'm using Digester "rules" files to specifiy  XML layout so a known pattern is 
used while reading and creating  objects.
  What I'm trying to figure out is how to make Betwixt write out  information 
from an object in the same way that the Digester expects  when reading (that 
is, so it matches according to the rules file that I  have).
  For example, I have a rules file set up for a class called "Skill":
      <pattern value="skill">
          <object-create-rule classname="src.gov.ohio.jfs.model.Skill" />
          <bean-property-setter-rule pattern="name"/>
          <bean-property-setter-rule pattern="acquiredDate"/>
          <bean-property-setter-rule pattern="updateDate"/>
          <pattern value="experience">
classname="src.gov.ohio.jfs.model.Experience" />
              <set-properties-rule />
              <set-next-rule methodname="setExperience" />
          <set-next-rule methodname="addSkill" />
   An example XML file corresponding to a Skill would appear like so:
  If I modify the instance that is created after reading the file  containing 
the sample data above and then use Betwixt to write out the  updated info 
afterwards, I see the following:
  How can I instruct Betwixt (the BeanWriter instance, I think) to write  out 
the info so that it matches the pattern that I'm using when  reading?  Perhaps 
I should just be using Betwixt for both reading  and writing, but I'd still 
like to be able to set things up,  explicitly, so that the XML format for a 
given class is knowing ahead  of time (so the format for reading and writing is 
the same).
  Please reply, if someone has an idea about this.  Thanks!
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