Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

> The advantage is that anyone using forrest could have their pages
> generated from ONE central running copy of forrest.  We won't have
> 60-300 ssh demons running remotely uploading pages opening up
> security holes... and its just good clean infrastructure!
> I'll demonstrate lack of impact on the server, and get blessings from
>  people on "infrastructure" etc before scheduling this of course.
> Any volunteers for #1?  Any forresters willing to help me out
> spelunking forrest?

Could be one of the things that runs on (the machine) - being equiped to run Java, and being proposed to be more officially affiliated/endorsed by (at least) the Cocoon community. But then of course it runs externally to daedalus, but having gone through this before, I would not hope for the possibility to run role-based/time-triggered/Java-based processes on daedalus/icarus.

Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at    
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