On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 06:06:54PM -0400, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> Some negative aspects of @author would be the impression that the
> author "owns" the code, and reluctance on the part of others to make
> changes to "someone else's" code.

The @author tag implies _authorship_.  If we had an @owns tag, I'd fully
agree with you.  If some people can't distinguish between authorship and
ownership, that's their business.  I personally find it
interesting/useful to know who @author'ed the current file.

As for CVS logs, they are rather ephemeral things in my experience.
Whenever a file is renamed/repackaged, the history is lost.  Sometimes
CVS modules are re-imported (as with Avalon, and xml-cocoon ->
cocoon-2.1) and everything is lost.


>       --- Noel

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