> From: Greg Stein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:31 AM

> One of the previous concerns was tool support. Since then, we have SVN
> capability in ViewCVS, and there is also an SVN plugin for Eclipse and IDEA,
> and several GUIs. SVN itself has been stable for a long while; the only real
> concern [for the ASF] is the related tool support.

What would be helpful is if we can identify which tools are currently used,
and, if SVN support for them is not available, if they either can do without
or code it up...
> For Maven compatibility... somebody will just have to code it up. I believe
> somebody out there has done an Ant task for SVN, but I dunno what the status
> of that is, or whether it has seen its way back to the Ant folks.
> SVN easily supports anonymous, read-only access (and without the nonsense of
> needing to supply some arbitrary name/password like CVS).

Ahum... we do if we want to have finer grained access control.  Unless you
just committed something to httpd-2.0 that I happened to miss ;) :).

> There isn't a CVS proxy, however. Does BK actually proxy a CVS connection to
> the bk repos, or do they just mirror changes into a cvs repos?

They mirror the changes.  We could do the same using a trigger in post-commit.
Whether this is desireable is another question.


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