I believe we already saw Sean's reply to you and he said "GNU" would be credited in the documentation.


p.s. the more people blabber about GNU, the more I try to remove it from my system and support non-GNU replacements. this is called the point of where proselytizing is no longer informing people, it's annoying them [insert vibrant verbs as desired] and pushing them away. it also harms the FSF. consider all the bad press that happens as a side effect when you evangelize GNU.

Dave Crossland wrote:
On 22/01/07, MR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just joined the mailing list but if the point of this thread is
about whether the manual/box/website for openmoko should refer to it
using Linux or GNU/Linux then I am 100% whole heartedly behind

That's originally what this thead was about, yes. It's not clear which
term FIC will adopt for their release at this point.

But they did say that they will promote "OpenMoko" more than anything
else as the name for the system, probably for the reasons you cited

If there were the possibility of replacing the kernel with say a cut
down bsd kernel (just an example) but keeping all the GNU tools

There is this possibility: http://www.gnusolaris.org and
http://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/ :-)

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