
First of all, I will introduce myself. I was creating such projects like
Gammu and Gammu+ mainly for synchronizing informations from Nokia phones
(non Symbian) with PC using Nokia prioprietary protocols, but also for some
AT and Alcatel devices (including manufacturer commands and protocols).
Currently I'm searching for new interesting task for me (for fun, but also
as full time job, because I'm ending studies). I don't have 350 USD and I
won't probably have OpenMoko connected hardware phone (now).

My comments after reading Wiki:

1. I hope, that there will be made SAR tests and results will be very low

2. it could be good to have such phone with GSM/UMTS switching (even without
all data standards like EDGE, ....)

3. you can use quite easy Gammu/Gammu+ sources (or at least source from
similiar Gnokii) for making import tool from Nokia/other phones. Additionaly
in Gammu/Gammu+ you have some interesting snippets for decoding MMS files
and many other. Maybe it will be usefull.

4. I quess, many people are really waiting for phone with GSM/hardware
monitoring functions (something like in Nokia netmonitor functionality). If
you will make some tool for displaying this data in one place, you will
receive millions of hungry people waiting for it...

5. hav developers though about creating it on kind of x86 compatible
platform ? I know, it could be more difficult to create energy efficient
device, but having PC in pocket (with ability to running dos, windows after
changing SD card) would be more than excellent....

Pozdrowienia/Best Regards
Marcin Wiacek (www.gammu.org, www.mwiacek.com, I'm looking for a job) 

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