As has been discussed earlier, this is not a change you can make yourself.

Conceivably, you could change the components yourself, if you had the right equipment, but there are also changes to the firmware that you can not make yourself.

There is no possibility of adding a switch, as a number of components have to be replaced.


Jonathon Suggs wrote:
Depending on the level of complexity, this could be *great* news for me.
I don't travel internationally that often (currently, but the frequency
could always up in the future) so having quad-band is borderline nice
and necessity.

But if I could make changes (before/after trips) to "switch" the bands,
then I might consider that a workable solution.  I'm fairly handy with a
soldering iron, so as long as it isn't too complex I'd feel comfortable
doing it.

I know that they are probably into very finalized versions of the
hardware, but it might be worth looking into how much change would be
required to ease the "transition" between bands.  Example, if it is just
a small number of wires that has to be changed, possibly creating a
"switch" to toggle between the settings.  I, for one, would consider
that a more than suitable workaround and almost nullify my "no-quadband"


-----Original Message-----
Reply-To: List for OpenMoko community discussion
To: List for OpenMoko community discussion
Subject: Re: Community update: GSM firmware, 850MHz experiment, GTA02
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 09:32:50 -0500

In regards to the 850MHz Issue:
It seems that very little effort was required to switch a phone board
to 850 for testing.  So my question is what exactly is involved.  Was
it simply switching which pin is attached to the antenna?  If it is a
relatively simple circuit change and involving only a top (or bottom)
layer trace, is it possible to tell us what connections to change to
convert an existing unit to 850MHz.  Obviously only  for the very
experienced people.  If there is different capacitor, etc required to
match the frequency it might be less doable, but details would be
nice. once the design has been confirmed.  On a side note this is
excellent news that the 850 variant may not be far behind GTA02.



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