Hi Lon,

Will from our office pointed me at these, but that was yesterday and apparently even more have appeared:


I've added a link to these at http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Current_events. If anyone finds more, please add them here.


Lon Lentz wrote:


  Are you aware of any online sites that might have done any video of this?

On Jan 10, 2008 4:20 PM, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    A brief status report from OpenMoko:

    Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas

    We've just returned from CES where we showed the Neo FreeRunner (GTA02).
    Although this was still a prototype it performed fairly well. The UI we
    had installed was the same as the most recent for GTA01. Of course most
    of the press was interested in this as a consumer device. Nonetheless,
    interest was very high. A number of Linux and Open Source enthusiasts
    came by, and of course they were thrilled. Most of them already knew
    about this project but wanted to see the GTA02 and to hold it in their
    hands. We were also visited by some Linux luminaries (Doc Searls,
    Maddog), which is always very thrilling.


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