Le 13901ième jour après Epoch,
Tilman Baumann écrivait:

> François TOURDE wrote:
>> Le 13901ième jour après Epoch,
>> Schmidt András écrivait:
>>> Tilman Baumann wrote:
>>>> Bluetooth would be nice. You would need no hardware hacks on the
>>>> phone itself.
>>>> Should be pretty easy to hack a bluetooth->serial converter (like
>>>> BlueSMiRF from sparkfun) to the sensor. Maybe with a little
>>>> microcontroller glue in between.
>>>> Bluetooth is very simple to code and simple to handle.
>>> I was thinking about two possible applications:
>>>   1. The map of a GPS map viewer application turns when you turn the
>>>      machine so it is always aligned with the environment (this feature
>>>      is included on some GPS tools.)
>> Maybe the 3D accels can do that. And the GPS can be used as a bearing
>> indicator, when you move. No magnetic device needed in this case.
> Gyroscopes is what you look for. ;)

Yes, but it's not (yet?) included in the phone :) ... But accels are.

> Accelerameters don't see rotational movings.

Except if this is 3D accels. If we omit the case of a rotation around
the accels center (and we can because there is 2 accels), a rotation
can be measured using this kind of devices.

I imagine it's not so easy, but I think it's possible... with my poor
knowledges in physics :)

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