Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> As much as I love my FR, I must admit that the whole experience had  
>> me thinking lustful thoughts about my wife's iPhone...
> I would say just get an iPhone.  I did.  Its much more fun to develop  
> for a *platform* rather than a constant dogs-breakfast of disaster.   
> Until someone in the Freerunner world turns the thing into a stable  
> platform, its just going to go on and on forever with nothing ever  
> being fixed, stably, and dependably.
> I mean, give me a break.  Its October, and people are *still*  
> wrestling with WLAN configuration.  Can you hackers not see how stupid  
> it is to be fussing with 'pretty stuff' when the most basic things  
> don't even work?
> I've given up on Freerunner development.  Until there is a stable  
> image that provides an Operating System (what we have now: Inoperable)  
> its just not worth the fuss.  The Freerunner project has been  
> murdered, in my opinion, by hobby horsing hackers who have nothing but  
> hatred for the end users that *could* be using the thing.

Just to add some perspective, for my intended applications the iPh*ne is
not an option. On the other hand, any suitable open handheld gnu/linux
device with gps and phone hardware would work. If competing hardware
forfilling these requirements showed up, I could easily switch hardware.

> ;
> --
> Jay Vaughan
Joakim Verona

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