
her are my results after a fresh flash with the latest uimage and
rootfs from qt:

On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:16:45 +1000
Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 
> > - lots of kernel-warnings spit out during booting (using
> > uImage-gta02-mwester-stable-d6f9fd270943fb22.bin from I believe the
> > previous 4.3.x snapshot version). Or maybe this is a uimage issue?
> yes, this has nothng to do with qtextended.

using the new uimage, these are gone
> > - timezone management isn't working (the files just aren't there
> > in /usr/share/timezone). Also the time itself can't be changed.
> hmmm...
> indeed. sorry. I will update with a new image.
> > - echo problem is back
> odd.

using the new uimage, this still seems to be a problem
> > - alarm keeps vibrating the phone, after pressing "snooze"

this also no longer happens. But the issue of the alarm not sounding on
time after suspend still remains (the alarm is on time only once, after
a fresh reboot, all subsequent alarms seem to drift off in time when
the phone is suspended)

> > - each received call arrives twice, causing the second call to show
> > up as "missed"
> also odd. I haven't seen this.

after a dialer crash and some reboots, this no longer is the case. But
now, at the end of each call, the call-volume setting window pops up
briefly, with the sound setting/noice.


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