well put. I have not had time to get to the community list tonight-- err 
this morning. I'll address as many of these as possible.

Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> On 12/16/08 Jeremy McNaughton wrote:
>> Openmoko you have this community of users who are still enthusiastic
>> about your product.  Do yourself a favour and learn how to keep us
>> interested by opening the lines of communication.
> [snip]
> Jeremy
> Your post was very long with many points. Most specifically about 
> engineering and development. We try to talk as opening as possible about 
> engineering work. I can assure you of that. Have you subscribed to the 
> kernel list? The development list? Most of the talk on this list 
> (community) is about things outside of those topics.
> If there are specific quesetions or problems you have, please just ask 
> questions. Let's get practical together. Most of us at Openmoko, Inc. 
> read these lists. Your comments helps us improve. We're constantly 
> growing and looking to find areas where are very limited internal 
> resources can produce maximum results.
> Comparing us to Ubuntu is great. I love this challenge. Please keep in 
> mind we're building a company, hardware, a softwarwe distribution, and 
> trying to sell enough Neos to stay in business. That's a lot of moving 
> parts. Adjusting your expectations of what we can do in a short amount 
> of time is helpful. We need your support as much as anyone else's to 
> keep things moving in the right direction.
> Thanks again for your comments.
>    -Sean
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