Leonti Bielski schrieb:
> Hello!
> As proud Freerunner owner I'm interested in how the development of GTA03 goes.
> I'm not going to buy it - there is still a lot of fun with FR, but it
> would be interesting to know something about next open phone.
> Wiki page is outdated and there is no updates on ML.
> Does someone know how everything is going with gta03?
> 1. What case design is chosen?
> 2. What gsm chip?
> 3. How will it be called?
> 4. When is release date (+/- 3 month :)) ?
> 5. Price estimate.
> Leonti
If i were openmoko (some person inside who knows about it), i would not 
answer this questtion(s), because some people would react like "omg, you 
are rippig us off. I still can't use my fr as a daily phone. the 
optimization team was disbanded, because you guys are focusing on the 
next gen device, while the fr still lacks a lot of features/stability/etc.."
just my opinion

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