
I tried to switch from the original 512MB SD card (which works fine with my 
to a 2GB Kingston card labeled SDC/2GB 30870-001.A00LF TAIWAN.  but with this 
2GB card
I get read errors even in u-boot (both NOR from May 9 and NAND from Oct 7).

mmcinit shows 
GTA02v5 # mmcinit
cmd 0x8, arg 0x1aa flags 0x75
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
Card Type:          SD
Manufacturer:       0x41, OEM "42"
Product name:       "SD2GB", revision 1.0
Serial number:      336592896
Manufacturing date: 4/2007
MMC/SD size:        503MiB

note the cmd error and wrong size :-(

that 2GB SD card works fine in my notebook and a Nokia mobile phone.

ext2ls  usually only shows the following error 

GTA02v5 # ext2ls mmc 1:2
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Bad ext2 partition or disk - mmc 1:2 **

sometimes there is some dir listing, but typically intercepted with ext2 read 

GTA02v5 # ext2ls mmc 1:2
<DIR>       1024 .
<DIR>       1024 ..
<DIR>      12288 lost+found
<DIR>        261 sys
cmd 0x10, arg 0x200 flags 0x15
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x11, arg 0x1dd96a00 flags 0x235
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x10, arg 0x200 flags 0x15
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x11, arg 0x1dd96a00 flags 0x235
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x10, arg 0x200 flags 0x15
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x11, arg 0x1dd96a00 flags 0x235
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
<DIR>       2048 etc
<DIR>     262146 tmp
cmd 0x10, arg 0x200 flags 0x15
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x11, arg 0x1dd96a00 flags 0x235
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x10, arg 0x200 flags 0x15
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
cmd 0x11, arg 0x1dd96a00 flags 0x235
Error after cmd: 0xfffffffc
<DIR>       2048 sbin
<DIR>       1024 usr
<DIR>       1024 opt
<DIR>       1024 lib
<DIR>       1024 proc
<DIR>       1024 home
<DIR>       2048 bin
<DIR>       1024 media
<DIR>       1024 var
<DIR>       1024 boot
<DIR>       1024 dev
<DIR>       1024 mnt
GTA02v5 # 

fatls on partition 1 typically works, I can load the kernel from fat,
but the kernel never is able to mount the ext2 rootfs.

fsck of that e2 partition with my notebook doesn't show errors....

is it possible in u-boot to tune/test different glamo sd settings (clk, power) ?

is there any chance to use this (such a) card _reliably_ inclding u-boot  
(not only with kernel parameters like glamo_mci.sd_post_power_clock=1000000) ?

thanks for any help!

"I hope to die                                      ___       _____
before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.",           0--,|    /OOOOOOO\
Donald E. Knuth, 02-Oct-2001 in Tuebingen.        <_/  /  /OOOOOOOOOOO\
                                                    \  \/OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\
                                                      \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|//
Harald Koenig                                           //  /     \\  \
koe...@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de                     ^^^^^       ^^^^^

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