Andy Green wrote:
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | Okay; two Freerunner units, one restores semi-okay, one's screen
> | typically goes all black after an otherwise successful restore (not
> | before showing the appropriate display for a moment though), doesn't
> I wouldn't assume this is a kernel issue, but if you think it might be,
> you should try andy-tracking kernel from git or here:
> and see if it changes the behaviour.
> The suspend and resume action is very different in these 2.6.28 kernels.
I have the same thing with the older kernel.  The device is working 
after resume, but the screen is black.  On the contrary, the newest 
andy-tracking fails to resume in the first place :-), the phone is just 
dead until I pull out the battery and boot again.  Any hint on how to 
get a usable kernel?  One that gives >2 days of battery life as someone 
reported would be best :-)

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