2009/7/9 Jeremy McNaughton <jeremy.mcnaugh...@gmail.com>:
> Since getting my phone back from being buzz-fixed (thanks SDG!) I've
> been using Om2009-unstable as my daily phone with no problems.
> Now that I'm using my phone more regularly, I started looking around
> for a calendar.
> Unfortunately I can't seem to find a calendar in the repositories, or
> on opkg.org.  All I can find is knjMokoCalendar, which looks good but
> I'd rather keep Google out of the loop.
> Are there Om2009-compatible packages for GPE-Calendar or Pimlico?
> It's possible I missed them, or I just don't know where to look.
> What are other people using for a calendar?

i think dates (aka pimlico) is in the om2009 feed

it might be called openmoko-dates2 or something.

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