On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Al Johnson
<openm...@mazikeen.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> On Monday 12 October 2009, Levy wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 20:34, Aditya Gandhi <aditya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > That is so sad to hear google android without maps, gmail, etc... is
>> > there anyway to get those binaries and have them run on freerunner??
>> One time I made a test with Gmail.apk that I got from a G1 and did not
>> work! ! :-(
> No surprise there. The G1 has a later family of ARM cpu with instructions the
> FR doesn't support.

No, that's not the reason. With the exception of those built with the
new native development kit, apk's (the Android application packaging
format) run in the Dalvik VM and are processor independent. AFAIK, the
issue with is only missing APIs. Of course, that doesn't make Gmail
run any better, but it does mean that apps that are developed using
the public APIs and don't use the NDK should run across Android
platforms regardless of the underlying processor. And in fact, almost
all of the (non-Google) apps I've tried seem to run on my Freerunner.

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