On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 15:33 +0200, Bernd Prünster wrote:
> William Kenworthy wrote:
> > ...
> I gave it another shot and i must say it quite awesome:
> i called myself from another phone and the moment i heard it ringing my 
> fr woke up and showed the incoming call screen.
> i know the debugfs approch might not be a nice and clean one, but i 
> couldn't care less when i see hav reactive everything is now.
> the startup of fso /opehnekitd also fixed itself magically (i thik 
> gremlins are to blame for the previeous fail)

I'm glad you find it as useful as I have.  However your experience is
mirroring mine in that the FR software "seems" to work but often (and
especially after a crash) it may take a few reboots to work smoothly.  I
know software is supposed to be deterministic and do the same operations
everytime, but from the outside looking in, the FR has a mind of its
own :)

I suspect cleaning of tmp files, and possibly badblocks or corrupted
file system are the causes - gets fixed up during reboot - sometimes see
the messages during bootup.  So I always do at least 3 reboots before
saying a particular upgrade isn't working - as mad as it sounds, it
sometimes helps!

I am using shr-u from early June with a 2.6.28 kernel last updated
before the updates stopped being pushed, and since I have stopped trying
to chase the updates, its been very usable (and still has an occasional
disastrous crash though :)

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