2009/12/1 Atilla Filiz <atilla.fi...@gmail.com>

> I think making a list and talking to a therapist will help. I am currently
> seeing an advisor from my university for roughly the same reasons as you.
> She usually offers me different points of view on my tasks and actions, and
> this seems helpful.
> For social interaction, I was going to archery club but I was simply
> shooting alone. Then I tried the computer geeks club, it seemed to work out,
> but being an international student I have a language barrier and that makes
> things harder. Dance classes are excellent places to meet people(not
> necessarily for dating) but my body coordination so poor that I ended up
> feeling retarded because I can't do three things at once(follow the steps +
> follow hand moves + shake hips). I can concentrate at most two of those at
> once.
> Sorry for being so disorganised, I always have trouble sorting my thoughts
> in a comprehensible manner.
> Atilla
Try joining couchsurfing.org. This is a place where you can meet a lot of
people of different kinds. Also great if you like traveling.
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