Hi Tom

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Tom Bachmann <e_mc...@web.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> after taking a rather longish break, I'm back working on my project
> gutenberg integration code.



> Technical Questions:
> 1) Is there a "deep" reason why boldface fonts are not implemented? I
> figure they are not really relevant for wikis, but would be nice for
> some of the books. Unless there is something that complicates the matter
> I'm not seeing, I think I will add them (should be straightforward to
> mimic the behaviour of italic fonts?).

They are implemented. We just didn't include them to save space. (Font
sets are super huge when you include all the unicode characters!)

If you look at the function "handle_data" within
you'll see what I mean.

> 2) Could you please add the characters U+2039 and U+203A ('SINGLE
> LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' and right-pointing version) to the
> font? They are used quite often in some books and the box just looks
> ugly. Again I would do this myself but there seem to be a number of
> intermediate stages in font generation that I don't really understand.

Sure we can do this. No problem! The font is getting more and more
complex since we actually hand make many of the characters now.

> 3) Is it possible that the english language image on
> dev.thewikireader.org is corrupted? When I try to extract it with 7z x
> enpedia.7z I get a cryptic "Error: E_FAIL" message. (I'm running
> standard 7z of debian testing, version 9.04 beta.)

Very possible. I'm out of town now, but I'll check with the engineers
when I return later this week.

> Bugs in wiki-app:
> I believe that in the course of writing and testing my extensions, I
> have fixed some minor bugs in the core wiki-app code. My changes are
> very small and isolated, so the maintainers of the main repository may
> wish to look at these files only.

Great. I'll ask our lead engineer (Chris) to check out your stuff.


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