Am 28.11.2011 um 14:17 schrieb Xavier Cremaschi:

> Le 28/11/2011 08:02, Philip Rhoades a écrit :
>> People,
>> Don't we need a larger form factor?  Like a 4.5" screen?  Has there been
>> any discussion along these lines?
>> Thanks,
>> Phil.
> AFAIK changing screen size means :
> - changing video chip (or not, you can be software-accelerated only)

For a GTA04++ there is no need to change the video system.
It is capable of driving >75 MHz pixel clock and HDTV resolution.

And, a larger display area does not necessarily increase the
pixel density. They just become bigger (unless we want to
increase the resolution as well).

What may need to be changed is the power supply and it may
need level shifters. But this is the simplest part in solving the equation.
If we get documentation.

> - finding a new screen

This is also quite tough. Either, they are not available through distribution.
Or if they are, a VGA display with touch and 3,5 - 4,5 inch usually costs
~ 100 USD (e.g. Avnet Express, Mouser, ...).

I think we all want to have a display with superior-resolution (like iPad)
but cheap as water. And available from steady production. And with decent
documentation. The last one rules out choosing replacement iPhone 4S

> - changing case
> And surprisingly the last one is difficult : you need to design one (CAD
> ?) and then either you have a 3D printer to make your own case or you
> pay to produce a series of 1000 or more.
> Xavier.

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