On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 11:52:45 +0200 "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"
<h...@goldelico.com> wrote:

> It has become a little quiet here in the last weeks so that I
> really fear about the spirit and status of this community.
> So what are your dreams with respect to open mobile handhelds?

A common hardware platform on which different groups can innovate differently.
We almost have that thanks to Android pushing a standard which is similar to
The GTA04 is close - maybe close enough.  Changes would be:
 - multi-touch display
 - 2 more keys.
 - proximity sensor (so it knows when it is near your head)
 - multiple cameras
 - second mic to improve noise reduction
 - bigger battery

The multi-touch is the most important I think.

> What would you like as future hardware? 

Nicer case, bigger display.  I don't need a hardware keyboard, but some do.

>                                          What to see in software
> distros? Anything else? What missing piece are you waiting for?

I do all my own software - that is the point for me.  Though one day I expect
I'll get bored of that and want a telephony stack that someone else
supports...  There seem to be a few options available, which is good.
I'm more concerned about the IPC layer that ties it together.  I don't like
dbus much and I don't like Android binder for quite different reasons.
Something that provided the same functionality is a "better" (that is highly
subjective of course) way would be nice.


> If we exchange these ideas it may be possible that we all
> work together (with smaller and bigger contributions - everyone
> as he/she likes) to fulfill them...
> Otherwise I guess we have just to consume what Apple, Samsung,
> MS-Nokia and others are confronting us with in the next years.
> May it be open or closed as they like.
> Or is this where we see our future? Or am I completely wrong in my impression?
> Phew - a lot of questions and so early in the morning :)
> Nikolaus
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