Harvest Festival

When:  *Friday September 8th, 4:00 p.m to Dusk*

Where: * New Start Community Garden *(on Mogollon St. b/w Cherry and Dale
near Downtown Flagstaff)

What:  *Food from the Garden, Recognition of this summer's FYG participants
and supporters, Live Art, Hip Hop, DJ's, Slideshow, *

Who:  *2006 Flagstaff Youth Gardens program;  **Sponsored by Native
Movement, Flagstaff Foodlink, Project New Start*

Family and Friends,

You are invited to help us celebrate the first harvest from Flagstaff's
newest youth garden on the site of the New Start School.

The Harvest Festival is the culmination of work that began last May with
high school students at Project New Start.  At the end of the school year,
Flagstaff Foodlink hired five students to continue working in the gardens
through the summer.  As a way to allow more of the community to participate,
the program was then joined by Native Movement who hired on five Youth of
the Peaks who united with the New Start students to create this summer's
Flagstaff Youth Gardens interns.  During the course of the summer, the youth
worked four days a week building gardens from scratch, planting fruit trees,
perennial food and medicine plants, built a cob bread oven, and, with the
help of the Indigenous Youth Alliance from Phoenix, painted several murals
that are now on display at the New Start Garden.  Also, the youth
implemented an edible/medicinal landscape at the Theatrikos Theater Company
in downtown Flagstaff.

At it's core, the intention of the gardens has been to engage area youth in
the process of learning how to provide healthy food for their families and
community.  But as we began working in the gardens, it became clear that it
was not just about growing food, it was about creating a vision for what we
want our community to be. So in addition to the gardens, the murals and
community bread oven demonstrate that artistic expression, building, and
food production can be integrated to create community spaces where
everyone's interests and skills can be incorporated and appreciated...

We hope you can come help us celebrate our first harvest.  Food will be
provided from the garden, and a local restaurant will be baking pizza in the
bread oven.  Bring a dish to share if possible.  You can contact me with any
questions, or inquiries on how you can help out.

With Respect,

Brett Ramey

*For more information on the program:*

Flagstaff Foodlink: www.flagfoodlink.org/youth
Native Movement: www.nativemovement.org
Project New Start:


Brett Ramey, Coordinator
Edible Landscape Initiative
Bioregional Lifeways Network

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