

This isn't really what you asked for, but have you check out the Mill
Creek Farm in Philadelphia?


They may be able to give you some good ideas about how to access the
neighborhood around you.


Also, I've found that knocking on doors, inviting people into the
garden, engaging the kids in the neighborhood, working through
organizations that are already trusted in the neighborhood, asking if
someone has an extra trash bag you could use to pick up trash in the
garden, etc.  helps people feel like they are contributing.  You can
always ask them what they want grown or if they would like to be


If you are working in the garden, it's inevitable that kids will come
around.  Have something for them to do so that they stay engaged.  Do
not send them away.  Sometimes it's hard to work with a flock of kids in
tow, but you can designate an area for them, think of small tasks that
they can do, bring a partner into the garden who works with the kids
while you get things done, etc.  Kids are great indicators of how the
community feels towards you.  If they want to help, that's great.  If
they rip out your Brussels sprouts, reassess what you're doing.  And
they will definitely let you know what they like to eat or not eat.  



Civic Garden Center


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