
The Green Building Institute in Jessup, Maryland is sponsoring an 8 Day in class & field training Permaculture Design Certificate course from September 17th to September 24th, 2011. The course also qualifies for Permaculture - AIA & LA CEST credit <>.

The instructor is Wayne Weiseman, who is certified by The Permaculture Institute of Australia as an instructor of the Permaculture Design Certificate Course. He is also certified by the American Institute of Architecture (AIA) and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) to teach continuing education in Permaculture to licensed architects and landscape architects.

Wayne has taught and lectured internationally for many years. He has worked as a school teacher and as a consultant to educators and administrators in curriculum and professional development. As a primitive wilderness instructor he relied on observation techniques and a thorough understanding of the natural world to ply his trade. He has worked extensively with corporate executives in the art of team building, and the application of ideas in business and life developed through the observation of the cycles and connections found in the natural world.

Wayne has also worked as a builder and contractor, herbalist, renewable energy expert, and farmer for the past twenty-five years. Wayne is Director of The Permaculture Project LLC, a full-service, international consulting and educational business promoting the ideas of eco-agriculture, renewable energy resources and eco-construction methods. He is also co-director of Permergy, an educational organization teaching Permaculture and sustainable systems to corporations. For many years he managed a land-based, self-reliant community project combining organic crop/food production, ecologically-built shelter, renewable energy, appropriate technologies.

For more information please call 443-733-1234 or send an email to Heather Szymanski <heather [at] greenbuildinginstitute [dot] org>.
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