The production garden I lead with just one other volunteer and a few group
work sessions each season produced roughly 1400 lbs of produce in one year.
In NC we can grow 10 months a year and our garden has about 1800 sq ft of
growing space.
With more tending and attention to rotating crops in and out, we could do
much much more.
Our crops consisted mostly of lettuce, turnips, peas, collards, arugula,
carrots, kohlrabi, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, okra, peppers, eggplant and
Wish us luck for the next year!

Sterling Elementary Garden
Slow Food Charlotte and Friendship Trays partnership


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:41:33 -0500
From: Ken Hargesheimer <>
To: Community Gardens USA <>
Subject: [Community_garden] yields
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Some one wanted info on yields per 1000 ft?.  I just found this url:

Very interesting.  urbandesinglab.  sitefiles'file/
 urban_agriculture_nyc. pdf

I am spreading the  second copy out and hope one gets recieved.

Ken H
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