This will increase chances of our winning a place on presidential platforms
in 2012!

The executive director of the Sweet Water Foundation, Emmanuel Pratt, now
also director of Chicago State University's Aquaponics Center, worked very
hard to get this going, including connecting Chicago with Milwaukee
planners who had already blazed trails in these regards.

Here's the story:


The Chicago City Council approved a zoning code amendment allowing for more
widespread urban agriculture Thursday.

As WBEZ reports, the zoning code has expanded the size of community gardens
to 25,000 feet, thus accommodating commercial farms within city
The ordinance also trims some of the red tape both farms and gardens face.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel lauded the amendment as a "job creator" that will also
capitalize on otherwise vacant land.

"This policy is about taking land that we have here in the city of Chicago
that is literally sitting fallow both as land as well as a revenue base or
tax base and turning it into a job creator and a revenue creator. And
there's great parts of the city where that exists," Emanuel said, as
reported by WBEZ.

"The City worked with its sister agencies, urban agriculture experts and
community members in an effort to help strengthen community ties and turn
available empty lots into viable, productive urban green spaces," the mayor
continued in a statement commending City Council for approving the

The new rules will also allow for limited produce sales in residential
areas, relax parking and fencing rules for larger urban farms and allow for
aquaponics -- sustainable, symbiotic food production systems -- to be
the *Chicago Tribune* reports.

Emanuel announced his support for the urban farming ordinance at the Iron
Street Farm in Bridgeport in late
Though the mayor's predecessor, Richard Daley, was nominally a proponent of
urban farms, farmers say the ordinance he supported sought to place too many
restrictions on how and where urban farms could be established. The
ordinance approved Thursday by the City Council, under Emanuel's tenure, is
considered to reverse that course.



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