Dear Community,

It is with great pride and joy I write this letter to invite you to
join me in our worldwide effort to feed hungry people, support our
earth, and create opportunities for our younger, inner-city
generations in the up-and-coming field of urban agriculture.  Through
my non-profit organization, Growing Power, we are training the next
generation of farmers -urban and rural- as well as sustainably
growing and distributing food to families who need it the most.  We
are a unique local organization based in Milwaukee, WI that maintains
a national presence with partners and community-based food projects
in over 15 states.  This year, we are launching a national concert
series to raise awareness among the younger generations on issues
such as energy use and agriculture, the environment, food
sovereignty, hunger and nutrition, and how urban agriculture is a
solution to many of our current local and global needs.  We will host
popular music artists such as those who have a shared interest in
empowering our youth to make healthy choices and achieve a dignified
standard of living.  It is my hope that you, too, will join us by
endorsing our concert series and promote our tour to achieve high
attendance and ultimately a greater impact.

Growing Power is in an excellent position to host a national concert
series, as our history of work and accomplishments have gained
widespread recognition.  Established in the early 1990s, Growing
Power was envisioned as an agriculture center for Milwaukee
inner-city youth to learn new skills. The original vision of Growing
Power has grown into an international center for sustainable
agriculture, hands-on education, and food policy advocacy. Today our
tiny farm is one of the most productive food and education centers in
the country. Each year thousands of visitors tour our facility that
produces enough food to feed 10,000 people.

We have a holistic approach to growing and distributing food and
implement renewable energy systems and environmentally conscious
water use.  We have widespread commitment from local businesses,
schools, community agencies, and government offices (city and
federal) to expand production and our workforce to not only provide
healthy, safe, and locally grown food to our community, but to
empower youth and families to provide for themselves. Our sustainable
food production stimulates local economies, supports healthy
communities, and provides valuable education and job training
opportunities for youth, families, and our nation's farmers.

A national concert series hosted by Growing Power will motivate
thousands of youth and their families to engage in urban agriculture
and transform American cities, one garden at a time.

Please join us in this exciting new initiative!

I would love to show you our Growing Power Community Food Center in
Milwaukee.  I truly hope you are able to meet with me and see for
yourself our nationally recognized facility.  Please contact Adrianna
Allen or Phillip Leeds for additional information, scheduling needs
or donation/sponsorship information.  In addition, a written note
supporting our cause would be much appreciated.

Adrianna Allen                                                       
                Phillip Leeds                                  


View Growing Power Press Kit -



Will Allen

Farmer, Founder, and CEO of Growing Power  "The Good Food Movement is
now a Revolution"

Intensive hoop house production.

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