Dear all,

I tested the release candidate ;-)

About translation, now I have an error when the translation doesn't
exist and also I don't really how to fix that :

 Showing vendor/plugins/community_engine/app/views/activities/
_activity.html.haml where line #3 raised:

translation missing: fr, date, formats

Extracted source (around line #3):

1: %dl{:class => (activity.item_type &&
activity.item_type.humanize.downcase) }
2:   %dt
3:     =time_ago_in_words_or_date(activity.created_at)
4:   %dd
5:     =link_to activity.user.login.capitalize, user_path
6:     - if activity.item

I have to install the rails i18n core translation ? How ?

Best regards !
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