> The flaky joints you particularly need to check are the ones associated with 
> the 4-pin connector that goes between the analog board and the "yoke" around 
> the crt's neck.

I think I finally found the culprit to the flaky video.  I checked the
joints on J4 and two appeared to be suspect, so I re-soldered all the
pins with fresh solder.  The problem still occurred until I started
pushing on the wires near the connector and saw it would make the
screen come in and out, so I swapped the wire harness for the J4
connector and now I cannot make the video go out.  The problem could
have been a combination of flaky joints and pins on the wire harness.

>As to the "no bong" problem, double-check the speaker, the capacitor
in series with it (you'll have to do a little tracing), and the
connections associated with them.

I sort of checked along this path but didn't see anything significant.
 I'll have to check this out more thoroughly.

> And as to your other question about the "micro screen" logic board, 
> doublecheck your ram. Make sure that the ram is good, installed properly, and 
> that the ram size resistor is configured correctly for whatever ram capacity 
> you've got.

This is absolutely correct.  The spare board I got came configured for
more than 1MB of RAM, but I been using 256KB SIMMs.  After putting in
4MB, the board operates normally, though I noticed the time for the
floppy icon to appear takes a bit longer...is this normal?

Many thanks,

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