On 3, Jan 2007, at 2:53 PM, Christoph Birk wrote:

On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, David Doshay wrote:
Chinese, note that SlugGo started passing, indicating that it saw no
purpose in any more moves, at move 239. Here, the boundaries are
clear, the dead stones are clear to a human, and the winner is plenty
clear enough.

Yes, W (mogo) wins by 2.5 pts

But the game continued to move 526! All in "invasions"
that were not "reasonable" by human standards, but which are not
costly under Chinese rules. By Chinese rules MoGo wins by 2.5, by
Japanese rules SlugGo wins at move 526 by almost 120. This difference

I don't understand. Using Japanese counting W still wins by 2.5 pts
after move 525.


Don't forget to include all those captured stones. The score is only
the same under AGA rules, where SlugGo has to pay a stone for
each pass.


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