I don't seem to have any numbers on this anymore, but I should be able
to try some experiments this weekend.  I do have some code that does
what I describe below.  It is also using an "all moves as first"
heuristic.  According to my notes, I made this change in an attempt to
avoid severely conservative (in my non-expert opinion) moves near the
beginning of the game, which seem to be preferred when using
all-moves-as-first.  It specifically aims for a 30-point lead at the
beginning of the game, and reduces this by one point for each turn
into the game.

I should point out that I am not averaging scores, but simply changing
which games I count as wins for the evaluation of a move.  This is
perhaps not quite what Steve Uurtamo had in mind when he was
originally musing about being greedy at the beginning of the game.
Nevertheless, it is a very similar sort of idea to what he described,
so I thought that I would mention it.


On 2/8/07, Chris Fant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/8/07, Weston Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe that I have had some success with an approach like this,
> actually.  I believe that I initially only tally games that are won by
> a certain margin, and reduce that margin to zero as the game
> progresses.  I am pretty sure that this improves upon straight Monte
> Carlo.  I think that I can get some numbers on it, if anyone is
> interested.
> Weston

Yes, please.
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