> Can anyone share their estimates of RAM used per 100k playouts, or
> other appropriate measure?

As part of my study of libego I've had the same question.

100K playouts (from an empty board) creates an UCT tree of around 21,000
nodes, which is using 795K. The node class uses 20 bytes, which is
getting packed to 24 bytes; it looks possible to squeeze it into 16
bytes, but I think that will have a negative impact on speed.

200K playouts creates a tree of around 42,000 nodes, using 1.5MB. So it
seems to be scaling constantly.

The rest of the executable is using just under 4MB of memory.

BTW, the above memory usage is using the object_pool class with default
settings. Actual memory usage for 21,000 nodes is 500K, and 1MB for
42,000 nodes.

Also, this is using the default mature_bias_threshold of 101. If I lower
the threshold to 2, with 100K playouts I get a tree of approx 1.1
million nodes, using 25MB of memory.


P.S. 100K UCT takes about 3 secs (Celeron 2.8Ghz).
I just tried a 1 million UCT (mature_bias_threshold set back to 101) and
the tree it makes is just over 200,000 nodes. It takes 37 seconds, and
uses 7.2M for the UCT tree (11.1 MB total for the program).

I.e. very dependent on mature_bias_threshold, but it seems it is CPU
bound, not memory bound.

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