> Valkyria uses to methods to bias playouts towards better moves.

Thanks for the reply Magnus. You said it will always try to react to the
last move, and only if no reaction needed will it choose a random move.
It sounds like that is something you only want late in the game, so is
that what you are doing? Do you just use move number as an estimate of
game stage, or do you perform some analysis to see when the board is
looking settled?


> 1) First it checks if it should react to the last move. For example
> in your position white should always capture at C9 if black plays
> atari with A8 or B9. This is the simplest form of semai you could
> detect and get it right almost always. It gets more tricky if black
> extends the stones in atari to C9 first because then white need to
> respond with a ladder capture. In this case some simple code might
> find a lot of good moves, but in general ladders are complex things
> to program so that playout always plays moves that works. Valkyria
> has some kind of compromise for the moment. It reads easy ladders to
> any depth, but gives up if they are complex.
> 2) If 1) did not provide a move then a move is picked at random. But 
> before the move is played it is checked for being bad. Bad moves are
> rejected and a new random move is selected. White should for example
> never play F1 or H1 because these moves destroys eyshape and
> liberties without any gain. With libego this is perhaps much harder
> to do. In Valkyria my go board engine keeps track of eyeshape in a
> way that makes it easy for me to write code to check those things.
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