On May 20, 2007, at 8:08 AM, Stuart A. Yeates wrote:

A couple of quick observations:

In java it's usually faster on modern hardware to pipe serialised
objects through a gzip filter before you serialise them to disk.
Compression effort is more than offset by reduced disk bandwidth,
which is often bottleneck.

Interesting!  I'll keep that in mind.

"The Orego code should be of use to anyone familiar with Java who is
just getting into computer Go." should read "The Orego code should be
of use to anyone familiar with Java who is just getting into UCT and
computer Go."

Fair enough.
I was surprised not to find a copy of the javadocs on your website.

They're in the .jar file. At a later date I'll consider putting them directly on the website, but the way web space is allocated around here makes this awkward.

Other than that, it looks great.


Peter Drake

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