I know that I've missed at least two enhancements:
1. UCB1-Tuned (adding an upper confidence bound on the variance used in
calculating upper confidence bounds)
2. First play urgency - Giving an artificial upper confidence bounds to
untried moves (I've seen references that 110% win rate is the right setting)

On 10/19/07, Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've only recently implemented my first attempt at UCT and I'm curious
> what tricks exist for tweaking performance.
> My rule for promoting a leaf to an interior node is that I must first have
> 100 sims of that node, but changing that value to 10 seems to give very
> significant performance improvements.  (20x-30x sims for "best" move).  What
> experiences do others have with this?
> Other candidate improvement I've heard of:
> 1. Using AMAF/RAVE for initial estimates of winning percentages.  This
> seems like it'd give a good speed enhancement that would likely offset
> estimation errors in the AMAF estimates
> 2. Enhancing quality of random games with 3x3 patterns (something I
> consider out of scope for what I'm currently working on but likely way too
> significant of an enhancement to not mention)
> 3. 1ply pruning heuristics (I believe this is what's done by crazy stone.
> I think crazy stone does soft pruning).
> 4. Heuristics to avoid simulation of all leaves when promoting a leaf node
> to an interior node.  (I've seen a Mogo paper on this)
> 5. Dynamic adjustment of exploration coefficient (I've seen a Mogo papery
> on this, but not much discussion on this mailing list)
> Am I missing any other ones?  What experience do people have playing with
> these?
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