I've been trying to think about what I really want and how it would be

What I'm interested in is the ability for bots to assign an accurate final
score to a game as early as possible.

When trying to think how to make this into a competitive challenge, I tried
to consider both bots submitting votes and then finishing the game to prove
who was right.  Let's say bot A says it won by at least 10 points and bot B
says it lost by no more than 7 points.  The bots could then finish the game
and see who was more right by having each bot continue the game to a
completely clear end position.  This scheme seems flawed when the ranges for
the outcomes overlap.  I was able to create sandbagging strategies that
makes that style of competition less interesting.

Here's an alternate competition that could work reasonably well.  For now,
assume a reference game is given.  Bot A can declare an outcome of the game
(say black +6.5).  Bot B can then challenge the outcome by declaring the
side that can do better.  Bot B then plays the side that can do better and
Bot A plays the side that supposedly can not.  Both bots then finish the
game and a winner is declared.

Let me give an example:
  Reference game is given
  Bot A concludes black + 6.5
  Bot B concludes black + 7.5
  Bot A declares the outcome as black + 6.5
  Bot B challenges the outcome and must win by more than 6.5
  Bot A takes white and can not lose by more than 6.5
  The game is played until the end and the outcome is 6.5
  Bot A is declared the winner.

If such a competition existed, would others be interested in competing?

On Nov 6, 2007 10:48 AM, Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 6, 2007 10:30 AM, Lars Schäfers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > By the way: a 9x9 CGOS server using japanese rules... I have a dream..
> > ;)
> It's not a bad dream.  That kind of thing could help spur development of
> good ways to handle Japanese scoring.  I fear that programs which are weak
> would have a really tough time with Japanese scoring.
> I personally put a lot of weight on making my bot playable with people.  I
> have ignored this aspect of my bot since going MC since I've been doing a
> lot of rewriting and getting basic functionality.  Now that my bot has
> achieved ~1400 ELO, however, I'm likely to start working on this human
> element again.
> If we put up a milestone like 9x9 Japanese CGOS starting 1 Jan 2008, I'd
> be very likely to upgrade my bot to handle it in prep for that.  The delay
> is mostly so that I both have time to implement it and to work in a few
> other major features such as those used by MoGo, CrazyStone, and greenpeep.
> If I'm lucky, I'll be over 2000 ELO this time next month...  Out of
> curiosity, how well do those strong bots do when limited to 10k playouts?
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