On Dec 5, 2007 9:39 AM, Dave Dyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The problem with this is that below a few ply, the probabilities are
> all effectively zero.  All you're really doing is enshrining the
> prior probabilities used to sort the first few levels.

Why would they be zero? floating-point types have a huge resolution near
zero (they are logarithmic in nature, in some sense), so I don't think you
are going to get zeroes fast.

In cases where the good moves are the "obvious" ones, you've found them
> anyway.  In other cases, you prune them away.   You DO get wrong answers
> much faster this way though.

You don't prune them away. You make them look more expensive, which means
that they will be analyzed later in an iterative deepening loop.
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